Green Tea Extract Weight Loss Livestrong : One of the worst things we can do to our body is embarking on a low calorie diett never incredibly did seem like a good idea and now science supports the concept that treating our body like this is both harmful as well as being ineffective for losing body fate feel that the only way to lose weight is to reduce our food intake but this way does not work as 95 percent of these diets fail and weight is not kept off for the long haulhese diets cause a disruption to the hormonal systems that control appetite and fullness and go on to cause cycles of damaging weight loss and weight gainhe long term harm done to health is not yet known about but it is thought that yo-yo dieting makes it harder to lose weight with each and every successive attemptach and efairly time the rebound effect from a diet kicks in weight is lost more slowly and regained quicker after the diet as the body attempts to protect itself from what it perceives as starvationt has no idea a person only wants t ... [Read More ! Green Tea Extract Weight Loss Livestrong]
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